About Bi Remake
About Bi Remake
About Bi Remake

Bi Remake is a recollection and reuse program from the advertising industry whose objective is to give them a second chance of use.

All communication material that enters into the program - public road banners, plotters, packaging, signage, BTL activation materials, among others - is collected and taken to work points where it becomes a new product to use, donate, sell and prevent it from becoming waste after a single use.

Servicios Bi Remakes

How do we do it?

  • We collect discarded materials from each action or campaign
  • We select them and take them to a re-work point where they will be given a second use
  • The materials become a new product and a destination is defined: Re-purchase, donation , institutional gifts, etc.


Committed to carbon neutrality

In Bi Universe we are carbon neutral. All of our campaigns and productions are created and produced in a sustainable way.

Carbon neutrality is attained when a company, a person, or an event compensates the same amount of CO2 that they emitted.

Triple impact agencies

We co-created @agenciastripleimpacto together with @donecomunicacion because of the need to have a space where #tripleimpact values permeate the communication and marketing industry throughout Latin America to drive us forward.

Great Place to Work

"Bi Universe has been certified by Great Place to Workas one of the best SMEs to work for in Argentina!

We create a workplace culture that fosters people 's wellbeing.