About Bi Universe

BI UNIVERSE was born in the first place as a play on words between “bloggers, influencers, media! and the possibility that you are a person with its own medium, that is, a person as a medium. The name refers to the fact that today there are as many people as media due to the democratization of the RRSS, we translate it into "BE YOUR OWN MEDIA". Be your own means to transform, understanding that from their place, each person can do it. At BI UNIVERSE, we believe that the well-being of the people who make it up contributes to the success of the company. We believe that the work and personal environment are not dissociated because we understand the integrity of being. The women who work at BI UNIVERSE are autonomous people inhabiting their role with values, commitment, skills, professionalism and passion. We manage INTEGRAL projects with a TRIPLE IMPACT perspective for all types of platforms. We are a young agency with bridging energy. We CHOOSE every job we do, knowing that we could not do it any other way than with passion and responsibility. Our relationship with the client is close, we merge teams and create synergies, because we trust that this is the path to the best results. WE ARE a team that reaffirms the love for their work in each project, strengthening our individualities by working as a team


Triple impact / Road to company B

WE CREATE specialized work teams for each client. WE BELIEVE that a large part of the success of the "client / agency" relationship is that the team is diverse and with a back office in the industry. WE ARE a team of diverse people, specialists in each area of ​​creative and strategic communication, benchmarks in the advertising market. WE BUILD the agency strengthening individualities and working as a team. We choose each job we do, knowing that we could not do it any other way than with passion and responsibility. It is part of our DNA to generate triple impact actions, thus contributing to the United Nations SDG 2030 agenda, which is why we choose who to work with and how to do it.


Our services are mainly crossed by the following ODS:


To eradicate gender stereotypes in communications:
1. Not Promote messages that, explicitly or implicitly, limit or condition the opportunities and ambitions of some women and girls.
2. Do not attribute stereotyped qualities and behaviors to women or men, under the pretext that it is natural.
3. Do not hypersexualize or objectify women and girls
4. Commitment of advertisers, media and agencies to eradicate gender stereotypes in communications.
5. Do not associate success or happiness with a certain physical appearance.
6. Do not show or suggest women and girls in a position of inferiority or dependency.
7. Not Justify or legitimize sexist violence in all its forms, through resources such as humor or irony.
8. Not discriminate or make invisible the diversity of gender identities.


At BI UNIVERSE we promote decent work and the generation of equal opportunities for all people, since we all have the same right to share progress. That is why we contribute to generating quality jobs and opportunities. In Argentina, women find ourselves in an unfavorable employment situation, reaching fewer hierarchical positions than men and earning up to 15% less than men in the same job positions, which is why in our decent work practices we promote the generation of equality of opportunities.


At BI UNIVERSE we are constantly training and promoting the development of both the people who are part of the agency and our suppliers. In turn, we invest in infrastructure and, above all, in technology, understanding that it is the differential in our industry to generate quality jobs.


In order to reduce salary inequalities, at BI UNIBVERSE we increase an equitable % for each new project, among the people who make it up, regardless of the position of each one, aiming for a more horizontal structure.


Sustainable consumption and production consist of promoting the efficient use of resources and energy, the construction of infrastructures that do not harm the environment, the improvement of access to basic services and the creation of ecological jobs, fairly paid and with good Labor conditions. All of this translates into a better quality of life for everyone and also helps to achieve general development plans that reduce economic, environmental and social costs, increase competitiveness and reduce poverty. At BI UNIVERSE we work towards an improvement in consumption and we promote good practices through training.


Climate change affects all countries, producing a negative impact on their economy, the lives of people and communities. Weather events are becoming more extreme and greenhouse gas emissions are now at the highest levels in history. At BI UNIVERSE we take care of the environment and encourage the proper use of natural resources. Having as a commitment carbon footprint or through the organization SOMOS BOSQUES.


A successful sustainable development program requires inclusive alliances, built on the same principles and values, with a shared vision and objectives, with the benefit of the community and the planet as the main objective. At BI UNIVERSE we encourage alliances between peers, understanding that we are much better when we empower ourselves.


- Strategic communication - Creative Content
- Social media
-Digital Marketing
- Experiences
-PR & Press


- We treat each other with respect.
- We value each other and therefore our opinions.
- We help our colleagues in their tasks, even if they are not specifically what correspond to us.
- When we decide not to come to the agency, we notify them in advance, at least 24 hours and we try to make it neither Monday nor Friday, so as not to affect the rest of the team so much.
- We share labor information, taking into account confidentiality, we are all co-working in the same place. - If we have to talk about something with a colleague, we do it on good terms and we try to find the ideal moment and space where only those involved in a certain situation are.
- We do not create or believe rumors or gossip about our colleagues, we are not that.
- Let's remember that we are here under the conditions that each one of us put and accepted to co-create different projects as a team. If there is any discomfort or suggestion, they raise it directly with the General Management, in a personal chat.
- We call each other by our names or nicknames, never by pejorative nicknames. - When we share food, each one takes care that what they use is clean so that the partner can use it and find it clean. - If we eat at the desk, when we finish, we take it to the kitchen and clean it.
- We empty the mate!
- We separate the garbage, recycled and non-recycled.
- We turn off the lights that we are not using.
- We try to keep our space clean and tidy.
- Whoever arrives first or leaves last, follow the opening and closing instructions of the agency.
- We take care of everything that is inside the agency.
- When we need something from what is in BI, be it some material, object, merchandise, we notify the group or Yan De Simone.


We also have obligations when using BI UNIVERSE assets. Each of us is responsible for the careful use of BI UNIVERSE assets, including not only physical assets but also data, electronic media, computing and communications devices, and human resources. We must also take steps to protect the brand identity of BI UNIVERSE (that is, how our public sees and hears us) by protecting the brands and names of BI UNIVERSE and each of our projects.


When we carry out any type of production / event:
- We share our policies with everyone involved. We will promote the principles of this policy and share it with all Participants before and during the event.
- We report any type of fault from both suppliers and clients where the code of ethics is being violated.
- We encourage respect for others, a good work environment and above all, teamwork.
- We encourage the good use of the resources acquired for such a production or event.
- We will not accept any type of incentive or gifts that exceed $5,000 Argentine pesos as gifts for contracting the provider.


The Environmental Policy promotes the integration and commitment of BI UNIVERSE with the environment. Objective: to work together to build a more just and sustainable society.

At BI UNIVERSE, we commit ourselves to: - Ensure the protection of the environment through the prevention and/or mitigation of environmental impacts produced as a consequence of the activities carried out by the agency.
- Guarantee efficient use of natural resources.
- Identify and manage activities where it is possible to provide environmental benefits, both for the agency and for the community.
- Maintain awareness and awareness of all staff, promoting environmental training and active participation.
- Comply with applicable current environmental legislation and with the commitments voluntarily assumed by the organization.
- Promote continuous improvements in environmental performance.
- Guide all our clients towards the path of sustainability.
- Do not work with suppliers that generate a negative social impact.
- Make customers aware of the consequences of their decisions and always offer them the path of sustainability.
- These practices also extend to virtual offices.

Regarding electronic waste, from BI MEDIA, we are committed to:
- Eliminate the excessive use of electronic elements to extend their useful life.
- Separate electronic waste and take it to waste reception points.
- Talk to educational institutions about the proper use of electronic waste.
- Identify and manage electronic waste to understand how we can reduce it.
- Separate electronic waste from the rest of the waste.
- Comply with applicable current environmental legislation and with the commitments voluntarily assumed by the organization.
- Promote continuous improvements in environmental performance.



Business gifts and entertainment are courtesies designed to cultivate good working relationships with customers and suppliers. However, we must exercise caution when giving and receiving such courtesies, as doing so may create actual and apparent conflicts of interest. Such activity is inappropriate if it creates or appears to create an obligation, creates the appearance that the recipient or giver of the gift is not impartial, or is done with the intent to influence a business decision.

The word “gifts” includes items of value, travel, lodging, favors and services, as well as meals or entertainment if the host does not attend. You may offer or accept gifts if:

• They are not intended to influence a business decision.
• Have a symbolic value (or were duly approved in accordance with with our Gift Policy).
• They are not given or received frequently.
• They were not requested.
• They are not cash.


A conflict of interest may arise if you, your spouse, partner, family member or other member of your household have a personal interest in a company that is or may become a supplier, customer, contractor or competitor of BI UNIVERSE. If your spouse, partner or family member or a member of your household works for a supplier, customer or competitor, please report the situation on the Compliance Reporting Form. You should never use your position at BI UNIVERSE to improperly influence the bidding or negotiation process with a prospective customer or supplier in any way. If you are directly involved in vendor selection and have a potential conflict of interest, notify your Director immediately and remove yourself from the decision-making process.


• Company name
• Item
• Contact
• What environmental criteria do you take into account when carrying out your activity?
• Does it take into account the needs of the environment?
• How do you measure the social and environmental impact of your company?
• Do you collaborate with disadvantaged groups?
• What percentage of women/people of a different ethnicity or race work in your organization?
• Does it comply with the environmental regulation requirements of the City of Buenos Aires?
• What is your code of ethics?
• Do you teach your employees about work ethics?
• How do you train your employees?
• Describe your work processes.


Our commitment to integrity means that we adhere to the following guidelines in dealing with clients:

We participate in solutions that respond to the interests and needs of our clients instead of those that only meet profit or compensation goals.

Our communication is honest and true, and we express the terms of engagement in a clear, precise and easy-to-find way. We ensure the confidentiality, integrity and accuracy of customer records and transactions.

We do not make promises or commitments that we cannot keep.

It is especially important that none of us engage in "commercial bribery." This means that we may not give or offer money or anything of value to someone with whom BI MEDIA does or may do business if the purpose of the gift is to help the company retain or acquire business or to encourage the person to do business. something corrupt, malicious or otherwise in conflict with your responsibilities.


We must ensure that we make all purchasing decisions fairly and objectively, with the best interest of BI UNIVERSE in mind. We strive to ensure supplier diversity and do not allow our personal relationships to influence, or appear to influence, our business decisions. This means that we follow the correct bidding, negotiating and contracting procedures at all times.)


We must also protect the confidential and proprietary information of BI MEDIA srl. We are in the business of creativity, so it is especially important that we take this requirement seriously. When properly protected, that information can give us a competitive advantage.

We also have contractual obligations to protect our customers' information. A breach of this obligation may cause detrimental consequences. Confidential information disclosed prematurely or inappropriately could expose us to serious financial damage or legal liability. As discussed in the “Protecting Assets” section of the Code, we may only disclose sensitive information to authorized colleagues or outside third parties who have signed a confidentiality or non-disclosure agreement (NDA) and have a business need to know. We also expect you to comply with any confidentiality obligations you may have as a result of your prior employment with BI UNIVERSE srl.


What constitutes confidential information?
Confidential information can come in many different forms and includes information that is identified or treated as confidential, proprietary, or trade secret. This information is generally not available to the public and includes internal business information such as contractual documentation, business processes, and corporate strategies and plans. If you have any questions about whether any information should be protected, consult with your Director before sharing it with any third party.

What steps should I take to protect confidential information?
Simple actions can go a long way in reducing exposure. To protect confidential and sensitive information, be sure to keep the following in mind:
• Never give your password or access codes to anyone; Also, don't let anyone else use your accounts.
• Use caution when discussing this information on your cell phone or with a colleague in public places or open areas within BI UNIVERSE.
• Mark internal and external documents clearly and appropriately.
• Back up critical information.
• Store confidential materials in locked cabinets.
• Be careful when using a public Wi-Fi network.
• Turn off your computer when you're not using it.
• Never leave confidential information in plain sight, unattended, or in a place where it can be lost or stolen.
• Carefully destroy records with a paper shredder or comparable method.


Our customers and other business partners trust us with their confidential and proprietary information, and we must protect it with the same diligence we exercise with BI UNIVERSE information. We are all responsible for protecting the confidential and proprietary information of others that we have access to through our work and such information must not be disclosed to unauthorized persons. This obligation continues even after our employment relationship with BI UNIVERSE has ended. In addition, we must comply with the terms of all license agreements and laws governing the use of third-party intellectual property.


As discussed in “Request Guidance and Report Possible Violations,” each of us has an obligation to comply with internal investigations. If you are asked to cooperate with an internal audit or investigation, be sure to do so completely and honestly. If you receive a request for information or notice of an investigation from a government agency, please notify the Directors of BI UNIVERSE immediately. They will tell you how to proceed.


During your business / labor / employment relationship with BI UNIVERSE, you may learn privileged information (also known as “material non-public information”) about BI UNIVERSE, or other companies with which you are subject to BI UNIVERSE policy, national laws and regulations. laws of other countries, you may not use that information for your own financial gain, or disclose it to others for their financial gain. Specifically, you may not buy or sell securities (stocks, options, etc.) in BI UNIVERSE or any other company if you learn confidential information that a reasonable investor would consider important in deciding whether to buy or sell the shares of that company. This means that if you have such non-public information about BI UNIVERSE (or any other company), you should not buy or sell shares of BI UNIVERSE or the affected company, or share that information with others, until the information is disclosed. to meet the public. Engaging in such prohibited actions will subject the individuals involved, regardless of location, to disciplinary action by BI UNIVERSE, including ineligibility for future participation in BI UNIVERSE equity incentive plans and termination of employment, as well as possible criminal prosecution and fines. Although it is not possible to identify all information that could be considered confidential information, some examples are: information about mergers or acquisitions, financial performance, changes in executive management, and major transactions.

If you have any questions about insider trading regulations or about a transaction you are considering, please contact BI UNIVERSE management immediately for guidance. Do not try to resolve the doubts on your own.


Each of us has an individual responsibility to comply with the BI UNIVERSE policy against insider trading. The guidelines established in this section are not a substitute for the exercise of good judgment in relation to operations. If you learn material non-public information about BI UNIVERSE or another of our business partners, you may be required to forfeit a transaction even if you planned to enter into the transaction prior to obtaining such information and even if you believe you may suffer loss or foregoing a profit by waiting. Remember that in the event of a government investigation of trading activity, all transactions will be viewed with the benefit of hindsight. Please carefully consider each transaction you make in BI UNIVERSE securities or in shares of any company with which BI UNIVERSE does business, including our customers, contractors, consultants, suppliers and business partners with this in mind. Our obligation to maintain the confidentiality of BI UNIVERSE information discussed in the “BI UNIVERSE Confidential Information” section of this Code also relates to these guidelines. Make sure you are familiar with the obligation to protect confidential company information

If you have any questions about insider trading regulations or about a transaction you are considering, please contact BI UNIVERSE management immediately for guidance. Do not try to resolve the doubts on your own.


The social part and environmental awareness of BI UNIVERSE are 100% involved in decision making. We work conscientiously, giving employees information and training on the company's goals, the suppliers we work with, and the projects we embark on so they know that every decision counts. Regarding financial statements, for some time now we have included suppliers in all our projects that have a positive social impact. This implies, for example, working with cooperatives for projects with shopping centers in which at least 1 of the suppliers in the chain belongs to a less privileged sector. In addition, we embark on projects in which we believe, thus taking only clients that represent what we want to represent from BI UNIVERSE. Our value chain in each work process is crossed by the mission of generating a positive social, economic and environmental impact.



Although the definition of recycling is generally known, from a creative and therefore artistic point of view, we must remember that the context is broadened with the appearance of new key terms; design, art, reuse, research, innovation… etc.


1. You will take care of the water
2. You will save energy
3. You will produce less waste.
4. You will use recyclable packaging.
5. You will avoid using chemicals.
6. You will avoid the use of plastic bottles.
7. You will reuse paper.
8. You will transport yourself using a bicycle or walking.
9. You will take care of the flora and fauna.
10. You will think sustainably globally and act locally.