Privacy Policy


1. Processing of Personal Data

BI UNIVERSE informs people that the collection and processing activities of Personal Data are carried out in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 25,326, its Regulatory Decree No. 1558/2001 and other complementary regulations (“Protection Regulations”). of Personal Data"). The fact that you provide the data that is required implies acceptance of the following terms and conditions.

The person gives their express consent for BI UNIVERSE to collect, store, treat, disclose and use their Personal Data in accordance with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions.

Your personally identifiable information will be used solely for the purpose for which you voluntarily provided us with this information (Contact and/or Newsletter) and to protect our systems against attacks and other illegal activities. In case you transfer other personally identifiable information, for example, in the context of an email, we will use this information to answer the question, to the extent necessary in each case. Our team and service providers will maintain confidentiality.

2. Purposes of the processing of Personal Data

The Personal Data and other information that the person voluntarily provides to BI UNIVERSE via the Website may be used by BI UNIVERSE for the following purposes:
(1) send you communications and information about services that may be of interest to you;
(2) to personalize and improve the BI UNIVERSE services; and
(3) for statistical purposes of BI UNIVERSE.

3. Rights of access, deletion and rectification of Personal Data

The data owner may exercise the right to update and/or delete their data by sending an email to the email address:

In the communications sent by BI UNIVERSE, the owner may request the unsubscription of his email to our newsletters, which will be done automatically.

In the event that there are comments in the BLOG and/or NEWS section, it is noted that BI UNIVERSE has no obligation to monitor and/or review the data sent to the site by people, and does not assume any type of responsibility for them. . BI UNIVERSE reserves the right to review these entries from time to time and remove them from the site without justification.

BI UNIVERSE could be forced by legal provisions or even by technical issues of the operation and management of the Website to keep the Personal Data of people, so in these cases it will not be possible to process the request for the deletion of Personal Data.

It is reported that the National Directorate for the Protection of Personal Data, dependent on the Agency for Access to Public Information, Control Body of Law No. 25,326, has the power to address complaints and claims filed in relation to non-compliance with the rules on protection of personal data.

All the Personal Data of people will be stored in an automated personal data file, which can be located in Argentina or outside the country, under the responsibility of BI UNIVERSE.

For any questions about the processing activities of your Personal Data, please contact the email address:

4. Requirements of Competent Authorities

It may happen that by virtue of court orders or legal regulations, BI UNIVERSE is compelled to disclose information to the authorities or to third parties under certain circumstances or that third parties may intercept or access certain information or data transmissions, in which case BI UNIVERSE will not be responsible for the information that is disclosed.

BI UNIVERSE cooperates with the competent authorities and with other third parties to guarantee compliance with the laws, for example in matters of protection of industrial and intellectual property rights, fraud prevention and other matters.

BI UNIVERSE may disclose the Personal Information of the people who interact with the site at the request of the competent judicial or governmental authorities for the purposes of investigations conducted by them, even if there is no executive or judicial order or subpoena.

5. Security. information storage

BI UNIVERSE is obliged to comply with all applicable regulations regarding security measures applicable to Personal Information, which is why various security techniques are used to protect such data from unauthorized access by users inside or outside BI UNIVERSE. However, it is necessary to keep in mind that perfect security does not exist on the Internet.

Therefore, BI UNIVERSE is not responsible for illegal interceptions or violation of its systems or databases by unauthorized persons. BI UNIVERSE is not responsible for the improper use of the information obtained by these means.

6. Acceptance of privacy policies

BI UNIVERSE understands that people who select the "I accept privacy policies" checkbox have read and agree to all the policies expressed above.